The Hidden Curriculum and Its Importance in Education


While we are all taught to believe that our children deserve better, the problem with this concept of education is that it only makes our children’s future worse. It maintains the status quo, where children from lower class families become middle class adults, and those from upper class families become upper class adults. Its close alignment with the values of the middle class has polarized society and alienated people from other social classes. In schools, many teachers assume that children from middle-class families have similar experiences at home. After all, many children are expected to assist their parents after school and carry domestic responsibilities in an often single-parent home.

Formal education

Formal and informal education share a purpose, one that is similar to that of other forms of education. Both aim to make people flourish and live well together. As John Dewey argued, education is a means of sharing our common life. Informal educators make special contributions to that common life. While formal education provides a formalized learning experience, informal education teaches people how to live well in their own communities. This is a common purpose shared by all human beings.


In his article, John Gray, a philosophy professor at Ferris State University, argues that homeschooling is incompatible with Dewey’s ideals of education. The centennial of Dewey’s classic 1916 work Democracy and Education, Gray argues that public schools are necessary for society’s common communication platforms and to weed out undesirable tendencies. Public schools also serve to counteract isolation. Thus, the philosophical arguments of homeschooling are contradictory and should not be considered for schools.


The penultimate use of technology in education occurs when students move from being knowledge consumers to being knowledge producers. Traditionally, the output of student inquiry has been printed reports or oral presentations. But today, technology allows students to present new data, information, or analysis in multimedia presentations and word-processed documents. In addition to providing a better way to communicate and interact with classmates, this technology is also helping to develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills and instilling a passion for learning.

Hidden curriculum

The hidden curriculum is an important part of education, but what does it really mean? Is there an unspoken curriculum that students pick up on? The answer to that question lies in how students learn. There are many unspoken messages in a classroom – from the way students behave to how teachers treat them. Students need to learn to read these messages to fit in, get along with their peers, and stay out of trouble. A hidden curriculum, however, means that students learn more than just the content of a syllabus.

Impact of technology on education

Technology is helping students learn better by providing access to unlimited resources. Interactive software, navigation videos, and the web can help students understand and research more about a particular topic or subject. Students can also create their own blogs, websites, and videos. The World Economic Forum reports that young people learn more when given guidance and direction. Using technology to teach students is an excellent way to encourage student engagement and improve learning. The rapid evolution of new technologies is making it even more important to incorporate technology into education.