The Evolution of Education


The evolution of education is a complex process. It began with early cultures that extended their knowledge beyond simple skills. Eventually, formal education followed. Today, formal education includes all aspects of learning, including the arts, sciences, and humanities. As more people became educated, more diverse groups of people took advantage of these opportunities. But, how should we define education? And how can we make the process more equitable? Let’s look at some of the most important components of education.

Less privileged children are encouraged to eliminate themselves from the system

A recent article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management describes how the education system is promoting white students to consider their privilege and establishing affinity groups based on race. Moore County, N.C. school board members resisted state curriculum standards, which require history lessons to include perspectives from marginalized groups. Loudoun County, Va., pursued equity initiatives, but conservative media criticized the district for forcing racial education into students too early.

Unschooling is a form of education

While unschooling may seem like a radical departure from the conventional educational model, there are plenty of benefits to unschooling. This open-ended approach to learning emphasizes natural life experience and learning as a process of discovery. Unschoolers learn through the experience of everything. For parents, this means allowing their children to sleep in and read whatever they like, to explore nature, and to learn math without traditional textbooks or curriculum.

It can help a parent see their child’s potential and let them explore their own interests, instead of imposing on them predetermined learning goals. Parents who unschool are more aware of their child’s abilities and don’t resort to punishment. Children who have unschooled parents are in charge of their lives and don’t feel pressured to reach grade level goals. Their choices determine what they eat, what they wear, and when they sleep.

It can help you work through an argument

There are three common structures for arguments. These are the classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian. By practicing these models, students can better understand the structure of an argument and create counterarguments. Visualization exercises can also help students develop a compromise position and come up with counterarguments to a main claim. These exercises can help students understand the arguments behind a specific point of view and improve their persuasive skills.

Different arguments take on different structures and genres. Fortunately, many of these techniques transfer to any context. By exposing students to different types of arguments, they can identify which structure fits their situation best. They can then sketch out the main elements of classical, Toulmin, or Rogerian arguments and make a case for their choice. For a more comprehensive approach to arguments, teachers should introduce students to the genres they are reading.