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Delivered each morning, this newsletter highlights the most important business, political and economic developments of the day in a short, easy-to-read format. Includes a summary of market trends and CFR analysis.
Each day, The Daily Beast compiles must-read headlines from the cream of the crop—from the Wall Street Journal to USA Today to the AP and beyond. Then it adds a few of its own, offering a broader perspective on the most significant events and issues of the day.
In the age of social media, many people no longer read their local paper as they go about their lives. They’ve replaced it with a variety of digital tools, from email newsletters to mobile apps, that allow them to keep up with the day’s headlines.
From a newspaper once based in the former Manhattan West headquarters at 450 West 33rd Street (straddling the railroad tracks that led into Pennsylvania Station) to the current Times Square office, the New York Daily News has been a fixture of the city’s landscape for over a century. The newspaper has played a major role in the history of the city, and its front page is an iconic image that symbolizes New York.
Founded in 1919, the New York Daily News is one of the largest daily newspapers in the United States. Known for its tabloid layout and sensationalistic headlines, it has historically been a staunchly Republican newspaper. In recent years, however, it has shifted its editorial stance to become moderately liberal, in an effort to differentiate itself from the right-wing New York Post.
The New York Daily News is the ninth-most widely circulated newspaper in the United States, and one of its best-selling. The paper is currently owned by tronc, the holding company for Tribune Publishing, and is headquartered at 4 New York Plaza in Lower Manhattan.
The Daily News features articles that explore the issues affecting the Yale and New Haven communities, including coverage of Yale’s diverse student body. The newspaper also publishes special editions in partnership with the community’s Indigenous, Black, Latino and Asian American cultural centers and affiliated student groups. The newspaper is free to all members of the Yale community. The Daily News is a co-publisher of the New York Times. The Times’ David Leonhardt and other journalists help readers make sense of the day’s news. The Times’ editorial writers also share their thoughts about the issues that affect you and your family, your workplace, your community and your country. The Daily News is a member of the National Association of Independent Publishers.