What Makes a Casino Special?


One of the biggest adventures on a lot of people’s bucket lists is to visit places that are famous or well known for their thrill, fun and memories. These might be 5-star hotels, museums, islands or aesthetic natural buildings. But there are also some tourist centres that entice you to drop everything else and gamble away your hard-earned money in the name of the ultimate thrill. This article takes a look at some of the biggest casinos in the world and what makes them so special.

Gambling is big business globally and casinos are found in almost every country. The United States has more casino resorts than any other country. While many of these casinos are purely recreational and offer only a few games like slot machines, blackjack and poker tables, there are those that are temples of temptation decked out in opulent furnishings and overflowing bars. These casinos cater to the whims of the paying public, offering five-star hotel accommodations, Michelin star restaurants, designer shops and top-billed entertainment shows that range from high-flying circus acts to the latest musician concerts topping Billboard charts.

Most casinos have a house edge that is determined by the mathematical expectation of winning and losing for each game played. This mathematical expectation is computed by a team of computer programmers and mathematicians known as gaming analysts and mathematical consultants. They analyze the mathematical probability of each hand, and the total variance of a casino’s overall income from card games (which include blackjack and Spanish 21) and table games (including roulette, baccarat, and trente et quarante in French casinos).

As well as having a house edge, a casino also has a fixed percentage of the revenue that is paid out to players. This is called the rake. This amount is calculated for each hand of poker played and includes the commission that is taken by the house in a tournament or ring game.

In order to make a profit from casino gambling, the house must always have more revenue coming in than going out. This is why it is important to have a good security system within a casino. This is usually divided into a physical security force that patrols the casino and responds to calls for help or reports of suspicious or definite criminal activity, and a specialized surveillance department that operates the closed circuit television system.

Because of the large amounts of money that are handled in a casino, both patrons and employees may be tempted to cheat or steal. The specialized casino security departments use their experience and technology to prevent this from happening. They do this through the use of CCTV and other state-of-the-art systems. They work very closely with other casinos to share their security information and are highly successful in detecting and deterring criminal activity within the casino. This is why the specialized security department in casinos has become very popular and is known as the “eye in the sky”. In addition, there are various other security measures used by casino to protect its property.