The Evolution of Education


As societies become more complex, the importance of education increases, too. Education allows children to learn more about their culture and society. Literature is loaded with advice on how to raise the younger generations. A philosophic approach to education begins to evolve. As society becomes more complex, education also becomes more abstract. Today, we have many different types of education, such as Interactional education, Social enterprise, and Story-telling.

Formal education

Formal education is a hierarchically structured, chronological process, which runs from early childhood through university. The system offers students a variety of specialised programmes and full-time technical and professional training. Informal education, on the other hand, is a lifelong process, in which individuals learn from their experiences and the environment in which they live. While formal education focuses on instilling the necessary skills and competencies for technical and professional success, non-formal education is unstructured and does not have a formal clientele.

Formal education is an important aspect of any society. The process enables individuals to develop the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly competitive world. It builds critical thinking skills, provides a solid background in different fields of study, and helps people realize their full potential. A good education prepares people to be self-sufficient and provide for their families in the future. It also helps them identify their primary interests and pursue a fulfilling career path.

Interactional education

The ubiquity of digital technology has accelerated the evolution of Interactive Learning. This form of education has elements of social networking, urban computing, and virtual communication. It incorporates the most advanced learning techniques for effective student engagement and learning. Interactive Learning is changing the way we educate future generations. It is an increasingly popular method of education, and its growth will only continue to accelerate.

Interactive education is a form of learning where students interact with teachers and peers. In this way, they gain knowledge about each other, and it also improves students’ technical skills. Students learn how to operate a computer, use different apps, and have a better understanding of how the Internet works. Additionally, they are not exposed to the usual stresses and anxieties associated with traditional classroom teaching.

Story-telling in education

Story-telling is an effective way to introduce new concepts to students. It can also be used to encourage student engagement in learning. For example, if students have just learned about hibernating mammals, they can be asked to write a reader’s theater script about a bear’s winter adventures.

The power of stories in education is well documented. They help the lecture flow and make the material memorable. Moreover, they help to build rapport between the instructor and students.

Social enterprise in education

In schools, social enterprise has been used to help students develop a wide range of skills and develop their social awareness. The pupils who take part in such activities have the opportunity to help their community in the process. In addition, social enterprises foster creative thinking, regular evaluation and the use of information to make informed decisions.

Schools are also looking for innovative ways to alleviate budget constraints and provide inspirational education experiences. For example, one school is using social enterprise to bring estranged fathers and sons closer together. To be effective, educational social enterprises must be able to combine imaginative pilot schemes with a rigorous assessment of what works and what doesn’t.

Internationalization of education

The internationalization of higher education has been a complex issue. Historically, the emphasis has been on cooperation and exchanges, with the goal of fostering a greater understanding of different cultures and languages. This focus has shifted slightly in the mid-1990s as countries have pursued more competitive internationalization strategies. Many actors in the higher education system in low and mid-income countries have been forced to decide whether to pursue a more competitive internationalization agenda.

In order to successfully implement internationalization, an institution must establish a policy framework. The internationalization process should be an integrated part of the principal functions of an institution or an organization. Moreover, a variety of activities must be engaged to achieve internationalization.