Slots in Furniture
A slot is a narrow opening or groove in something. For example, letters and postcards go through the mail slots in a post office. You also put things like keys and remote controls in a car’s key slot. You can also find slots in furniture like the Slot dining table by Bonaldo, which blends design, passion and Italian craftsmanship.
On older reel machines and some newer video machines, the pay table is listed on the machine above and below the area containing the wheels. On other machines, you will press a “pay table” button or touch the “pay table” feature on the screen. The pay table shows how many coins or credits you will win for a particular combination of symbols and where those symbols must be on the machine’s payline to win.
The T-slot table is an extended work surface for your universal testing system that offers a convenient way to secure components and structures to perform tensile, compression and flexural tests. Commercially available T-slot nuts are slid into the inverted T-slots on the table to secure items that can’t be held with standard grips.