Relationship Types – Interpersonal, Platonic, and Communal


We live in a world filled with many different types of relationships. There are Interpersonal, Platonic, and Communal relationships. To better understand each type, we will discuss the differences between these types of relationships. Hopefully, the information in this article will help you understand more about your own relationships. As a rule of thumb, the better your communication with your partner, the better. Despite the differences in behavior and personality, many relationship issues can be solved with communication and understanding.

Platonic relationships

Platonic relationships are relationships without any romantic elements. These types of relationships tend to focus on honesty and acceptance. The relationship feels safe and easy. Both parties respect each other’s personal space. They are often content just being themselves. Those in platonic relationships don’t feel the pressure to impress their partner. The goal is to make the other person feel comfortable and appreciated. If you’re thinking of getting into a platonic relationship, read this article to learn how to start the process.

Communal relationships

Communal Relationships are close, interdependent, and support each other’s wellbeing without regard to the cost. In contrast to exchange relationships, which demand reciprocity, communal partners take responsibility for one another’s welfare and are open to regulating their own emotions. As a result, communal relationships are often more satisfying than exchange relationships. The following paragraphs will explore some of the benefits of communal relationships and their role in human relationship development.

Situational relationships

Situational relationships are not healthy in the long term, because one party will eventually ask, “What are we doing?” and this throws the whole relationship out of sync. This can result in feelings of rejection, anger, or resentment, which in turn can manifest in toxic behavior. Toxic relationships are the most dangerous kind of relationships. Here are some signs that you’re in a situational relationship:

Interpersonal relationships

What is an interpersonal relationship? In simple terms, an interpersonal relationship is a close, personal bond between two people. Some examples are romantic relationships, family relationships, and relationships between people in the same team. Others may involve secondary relationships, such as those between neighbors and acquaintances. Everyone has at least one type of relationship with someone in the world. But, what are the characteristics of healthy interpersonal relationships? This article will discuss how to create healthy relationships in your career.


A recent study examined the relationship between the value of friendship and various factors related to health, happiness, and subjective well-being. The results showed that friendships were more important to younger adults than to older adults. However, cultural differences did not affect the importance of friendships. The most important social axioms for the value of friendships are age, gender, and education. Other factors affecting friendships were socioeconomic status, country, and GLOBE characteristics.