The Process of Education


The process of education involves the transfer of knowledge. The quantity of knowledge that can be transferred is large and cannot be mastered by one individual. As societies evolve, selective means of cultural transmission are used to impart knowledge. These methods include schools, teachers, and the Internet. Education, however, does not stop with the acquisition of knowledge. As societies grow, more people become educated. In the United States, more than half of all adults have some form of education.

Process of education diagram

A Process of education diagram serves as a guide for teachers to evaluate their subject matter’s efficacy. This diagram is often a combination of various stages of validation: identifying barriers to student comprehension, charting test schedules, addressing various lacunae in students’ understanding of a topic, and guiding eidos. It is important to note that this diagram can be used to validate many modern school processes and methods.

Social function of education

The concept of social function of education is a useful one to begin examining the meaning of education in society. Its function is to promote equality, but this goal must be tempered by the societal demands for excellence. Those demands are rooted in the dominant social and cultural capital of students, and the school assumes that these resources are legitimate, appropriate, and natural. This means that students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds may be less successful in achieving such educational capital than students from upper-class or middle-class families.

Teaching and learning system

The new Teaching and Learning System in Education will change the way teachers and students interact. Instead of lecturing students, teachers will become facilitators of learning. Instead of the traditional “one size fits all” approach, teachers will develop individualised learning plans for each student based on the individual needs and preferences of that student. This will make it possible for students to engage with the content and learn at their own pace. By implementing this system in schools, teachers will be able to make learning fun and engaging for each student.

Values of education

The value system underlies all aspects of educational practice. Values are a philosophical grounding for educational activities. Students interact with pictures and mottos of different values on the walls of schools. They imitate their teachers, who are considered role models in their own minds. Teachers shape the values, psychological and cognitive development of students. As such, they are viewed as critical determinants of society. As such, values are of paramount importance in the education system.

Impact of technology on education

The impact of technology on education is significant for both the teachers and the students. In the past, academic classrooms were dominated by books and lecturing, but now technology has expanded teachers’ reach beyond the classroom walls. Students now get the opportunity to participate in lessons via YouTube, video conferencing, and chat platforms. This innovation makes learning more exciting and allows students to deepen their understanding of difficult subjects. It is also beneficial for the students because they can get advice from experts from around the world. Students will find that technology will help them acquire a variety of technical skills for the 21st century.