Daily News

Daily news is a daily newspaper or periodical publication that contains a selection of current events. It is a source of information on politics, business, sports, entertainment, and world affairs. Some daily news also includes feature articles on social and cultural issues. It is an important part of the public’s daily life, especially in urban areas.

The New York Daily News is an American tabloid newspaper founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson. The paper was the first in the United States to be printed in tabloid format, and reached a peak circulation of 2.4 million copies a day during its heyday in 1947. It is currently the 11th most popular newspaper in the United States.

It covers a wide range of topics, including local and international news, politics, crime, business, science, health, and sports. It has a long history of political coverage and was once known for its sensational headlines, such as “Ford to City: Drop Dead!” (in 1975) and “Bobby Kennedy: The Unsolved Mystery.”

As the newspaper has evolved over the years, it has taken on more of a conservative leaning and focused on delivering hard news to its readership. In recent years, the newspaper has struggled to find a niche in the increasingly competitive media landscape, with its advertising revenues decreasing. In 2017, it was sold to Tronc, a Chicago-based media company.

In addition to its print edition, the Daily News has a variety of online offerings, including the news website and mobile apps. It has a strong presence on social media, with more than 1.5 million followers across Facebook and Twitter. The Daily News is also available on Amazon Kindle, a digital reader device that allows readers to view the paper’s content in full color.

The paper is often referred to as the “Little Paper That Could” because of its success in fighting for public rights. The newspaper was instrumental in helping establish a right to privacy for workers, the minimum wage, and public housing. It has also taken a strong stand on civil liberties, defending free speech, and supporting gay rights. The Daily News has also supported a number of candidates and ballot measure issues, listed on its Ballotpedia page.

The Daily News has offices in New York City and is the publisher of several other local publications. The paper was formerly housed in the iconic Daily News Building at 220 East 42nd Street, a landmark Art Deco skyscraper designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood. The building, which is an official New York City and national historic landmark, features a giant globe in its lobby. It was later the headquarters of WPIX-TV and is now home to CBS Radio. The Daily News was moved to a new location in 1995. The building is currently occupied by a number of other businesses.